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Addons are what makes BentoBox special. They provide the game modes and utility functions for them.

These include some popular Gamemodes: * BSkyBlock: Skyblock! * AOneBlock: you have one block! * AcidIsland: you are marooned in a sea of acid! * Boxed: you start in a tiny 4x4 box and can only make it bigger by conpleting Advancements! * CaveBlock: try to live underground! * SkyGrid: survive in world made up of scattered blocks - what an adventure!

And these include some of the official Addons that are bringing incredible new features, such as: * Level: calculate your island level and show a top ten. * Challenges: gives your players challenges to accomplish. * WarpSigns: enables players to plant a warp sign and visit other player's islands. * Biomes: enables players to change biomes on islands. * invSwitcher: allows you to split inventories between the different gamemode worlds. * VoidPortals: teleports to the dimensions by falling into the Void: * MagicCobblestoneGenerator: generates any blocks in cobblestone generators. * IslandFly: allows your players to fly on their islands. * Limits: limits blocks and entities that your players can place on their islands. * Greenhouses: enables players to make mini biome glass houses on their island.

And there are plenty of other official or community-made Addons you can try and use for your server!

Install Addons#

Firstly, you need to download the Addons you want to add to your server. Official ones can be found on BentoBoxWorld's repositories list (links provided above) and can be downloaded from their Releases tab (or from Jenkins for untested development builds).

Once you have downloaded everything you need, you just have to put them all in the plugins\BentoBox\addons folder, boot up your server so that config files and folders get created, and finally turn it off again in order to be able to edit everything without causing any harm to your server.

Please note that Addons may sometimes be incompatible with the version of BentoBox you're using. Official Addons will always be provided with a clear statement of which version they support. However, note that they often support newer versions without needing to be updated.