

Please read the Placeholders page.


Generic placeholders#

These placeholders are available in all currently available gamemodes (BSkyBlock, AcidIsland, CaveBlock, SkyGrid, AOneBlock).

List of available placeholders

Placeholder Description Bank Version
%Bank_[gamemode]_island_balance% Island balance of the player's island formatted by Vault 1.1.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_visited_island_balance% Island balance of the island the player is standing on formatted by Vault 1.1.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_island_balance_number% Island balance of the player's island - no formatting. Raw value. 1.4.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_visited_island_balance_number% Island balance of the island the player is standing on - no formatting. Raw value. 1.4.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_island_balance_formatted% Formatted island balance of the player's island, e.g. 1.5M 1.1.1
%Bank_[gamemode]_visited_island_balance_formatted% Formatted island balance of the island the player is standing on. e.g. 1.2k 1.1.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_top_value_#RANK#% Island balance of the #RANK#-th island on the leader board 1.1.0
%Bank_[gamemode]_top_name_#RANK#% Island owner's name of the #RANK#-th island on the leader board 1.1.0

Note: #RANK# is a number between 1 and the number-of-ranks setting in Bank's config.yml.

Usage examples#

Displaying the fist 10 in BSkyBlock#

  1. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_1% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_1%
  2. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_2% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_2%
  3. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_3% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_3%
  4. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_4% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_4%
  5. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_5% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_5%
  6. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_6% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_6%
  7. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_7% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_7%
  8. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_8% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_8%
  9. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_9% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_9%
  10. %Bank_bskyblock_top_name_10% with island balance: %Bank_bskyblock_top_value_10%

最后更新: 2023年6月26日 14:23:28