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Challenges lets your players complete various customizable challenges and receive rewards!

Created and maintained by BONNe.


  1. Place the addon jar in the addons folder of the BentoBox plugin
  2. Restart the server
  3. Run the admin challenges command, e.g., /bsbadmin challenges to configure the addon


By default, the challenges addon comes without any challenge or levels. On first runtime only the Admin GUI will be accessible. Admins can create their own challenges or load a set of default challenges. Default challenges contains 5 levels and 57 challenges. There also exist a Web Library, where admins can download public challenges. It is accessible via the Admin GUI by clicking on the Web icon.


Config file contains main functions for the addon.

The latest config.yml can be found here.


Challenges addon contains a template file which can be used to import challenges into database. This file is useful for bulk challenge adding for people that do not like to use ingame-gui. However, be aware, that not all functions are available for the template file, and some items/options can be added only via GUI. You can have as many template files as you want. Admin GUI will allow choosing which one you want to import. The example template file: template.yml


The template file must contain both: challenges and levels. Without them, it will not work.

What is challenge type?

Challenges addon has 4 different types of challenges. Each type offers different things to be tested for challenge to be marked as completed. These types are:

  • Inventory Challenge (INVENTORY_TYPE) - challenge that requires items in player inventory to be completed.
  • Island Challenge (ISLAND_TYPE) - challenge that requires blocks or entities on the player island to be completed.
  • Other Challenge (OTHER_TYPE) - challenge that requires player XP, money or island level to be completed.
  • Statistic Challenge (STATISTIC_TYPE) - challenge that requires certain value from player statistic to be completed.
Can I specify an enchantment on required/reward items?

Unfortunately Spigot does not have a general item parsing mechanics. So plugin authors need to create their own. Challenges addon uses BentoBox Item Parser. If function is not supported by it, then you cannot. However, you can always use in-game admin GUI to set any items you want. There is not any limitation.

How I can know what values I can put in statistic challenge type?

The statistic type you can find here: Statistic.

Some information can be found in fandom site: minecraft.fandom

However, there is not a place where you could find out what things you can specify. I would recommend to use ingame admin GUI for creating statistic challenges, as it has more options to detect which fields can fill.

Customizable GUI's#

BentoBox 1.17 API introduced a function that allows to implement customizable GUI's. Challenges addon is one of the first one which uses this functionality. We tried to be as simple as possible for customization, however, some features requires explanation. You can find more information how BentoBox custom GUI's works here: Custom GUI's

How can I customize GUI's

To customize Challenges Addon GUI's you need to have version 1.0. This is a first version that has implemented them. Addon will create a new directory under /plugins/bentobox/addons/challenges with a name panels

Currently you can customize 3 GUI's:

  • Main Challenges Panel: main_panel - panel that is opened when player can see list of challenges.
  • Multiple Completion Panel: multiple_panel - panel that is opened when player wants to specify number of times challenge must be completed.
  • Gamemode Selection Panel: gamemode_panel - panel that is opened when is enabled in settings and there are multiple gamemodes installed.

Each GUI contains functions that is supported only by itself.

What does PREVIOUS|NEXT button type?

This button is available in main_panel and gamemode_panel. The PREVIOUS and NEXT button types allows creating automatic paging, when you have more challenges than spaces in GUI. These types have extra parameters under data: - target - indicates if button will switch LEVEL or CHALLENGE in main_panel and GAMEMODE in gamemode_panel. - indexing - indicates if button will show page number.


    icon: tipped_arrow{CustomPotionColor:11546150}
    description: challenges.gui.buttons.previous.description
      type: PREVIOUS
      target: CHALLENGE
      indexing: true

What does CHALLENGE button type?

This button is available in main_panel. The CHALLENGE button creates a dynamic entry for a challenge. Button will be filled only if there exist a challenge. F.e. if you have only 3 challenge, but defined 7 spots for challenges in the GUI, then only 3 spots will be filled. Other spots will be left empty.

By default challenges will be ordered by their order numbers, however, you can specify a specific level to be in a specific slot with id parameter under data.

    type: CHALLENGE
    id: example_challenge

Specifying title, description and icon will overwrite dynammic generation based on database data. By default these values will be generated from database entries. This button supports 3 different action types:

  • COMPLETE - just completes a challenge once.
  • COMPLETE_MAX - completes a challenge as much as possible.
  • MULTIPLE_PANEL - opens multiple completion panel which allows to select how many times must be completed.


    type: CHALLENGE
      type: COMPLETE
      type: MULTIPLE_PANEL
      type: COMPLETE_MAX

What does LEVEL button type?

This button is available in main_panel. The LEVEL button creates a dynamic entry for a challenge level. Button will be filled only if there exist a level. F.e. if you have only 3 levels, but defined 7 spots for level in the GUI, then only 3 spots will be filled. Other spots will be left empty.

By default levels will be ordered in their progression, however, you can specify a specific level to be in a specific slot with id parameter under data.

    type: LEVEL
    id: example_level

Specifying title, description and icon will overwrite dynammic generation based on database data. By default these values will be generated from database entries.


    type: LEVEL

What does UNASSIGNED_CHALLENGES button type?

This button is available in main_panel. The UNASSIGNED_CHALLENGES button allows to select a button for free challenges. It does not have any extra functions or dynamic generations.

What does GAMEMODE button type?

This button is available in gamemode_panel It generates a button for each GameMode addon that has Challenges installed.

What does INCREASE|REDUCE button type

This button is available in multiple_panel. These types allow increasing/reducing the number of challenge completion.

Specifying value: <number> under data allows to set different custom number of increment/reducement.

What does ACCEPT button type

This button is available in multiple_panel. This type allows accepting input number and complete challenge that much time.

Specifying type: ACCEPT under action allows to complete challenge. Specifying type: INPUT under action allows request player to write number in chat.



[player_command] and [admin_command] are commands that differ depending on the gamemode you are running. The Gamemodes' config.yml file contains options that allows you to modify these values. As an example, on BSkyBlock, the default [player_command] is island, and the default [admin_command] is bsbadmin.

  • /challenges: Access Player Challenges GUI. Contains either Challenges in current world or list of worlds where are Challenges enabled. This must be enabled in configuration.
  • /[player_command] challenges [challenge] [number]: Access BSkyBlock Player Challenges GUI. If challenge name is provided, than this method will complete that challenge once. If number is provided, than it will complete challenge from 0-number times.
  • /challengesadmin: Access Admin Challenges GUI. Contains list of worlds where Challenges are enabled. This must be enabled in configuration.
  • /[admin_command] challenges: Access BSkyBlock Admin Challenges GUI
  • /[admin_command] challenges reload [hard]: Ability to reload Challengs addon configuration. This method clears also cache data. Parameter hard allows to reset database connection.



[gamemode] is a prefix that differs depending on the gamemode you are running. The prefix is the lowercased name of the gamemode, i.e. if you are using BSkyBlock, the prefix is bskyblock. Similarly, if you are using AcidIsland, the prefix is acidisland.

  • [gamemode].challenges - (default: true) - Let the player use the '/[player_command] challenges' command.
  • [gamemode].challenges.multiple - (default: true) - Allows the player complete challenge multiple times at once.
  • [gamemode].challenges.complete - (default: false) - Let the player use the '/[player_command] challenges complete ' command.
  • addon.challenges - (default: true) - Allows the access to '/challenges' command if it is enabled in the config.
  • [gamemode].command.challengeexempt - (default: false) - Allows blocking reward command executing for player.
  • [gamemode].admin.challenges - (default: op) - Let the player use the '/[admin_command] challenges' command.
  • [gamemode].admin.challenges.complete - (default: op) - Let the player use the '/[admin_command] challenges complete' command.
  • [gamemode].admin.challenges.reset - (default: op) - Let the player use the '/[admin_command] challenges reset' command.
  • addon.admin.challenges - (default: op) - Allows the access to '/challengesadmin' command if it is enabled in the config.
Something is missing?

You can find the comprehensive list of permissions in the addon.yml file of this addon.
If something is indeed missing from the list below, please let us know!



[gamemode] is a prefix that differs depending on the gamemode you are running.

The prefix is the lowercased name of the gamemode, i.e. if you are using BSkyBlock, the prefix is bskyblock.

Properly translated placeholders for each gamemode can be found:

Please read the main Placeholders page.

Placeholder Description Challenges version
%[gamemode]_challenges_total_completion_count% Number of times the player completed challenges 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_completed_count% Number of challenges the player has completed 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_uncompleted_count% Number of challenges the player has not yet completed 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_completed_level_count% Number of levels the player has completed 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_uncompleted_level_count% Number of levels the player has not yet completed 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_unlocked_level_count% Number of levels that are unlocked for the player 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_locked_level_count% Number of levels that are locked for the player 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_name% Latest unlocked challenge level name 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_id% Latest unlocked challenge level id 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_completed_count% Number of challenges the player has completed in latest unlocked level 0.8.3
%[gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_uncompleted_count% Number of challenges the player has not yet completed in latest unlocked level 0.8.3


Can you add a feature X?

Please add it to the list here.

How can I add a new challenge?

The official way is to add challenge via Admin GUI or Template file. Be aware, that template file is imported only after using proper icon in Admin GUI ("Import Template"). The GUI will allow choosing which template you will want to import into gamemode.

However, there is an option to edit exported database file. It can be done by exporting to file via: /[admin_command] challenges and clicking on "Export Database" button.

Can I enable challenges per island? So all island members has the same challenges?

Yes, you can do it via addon config file: store-island-data: true

Can I enable challenges per player?

Yes, you can do it via addon config file: store-island-data: false

Reward commands are not working. Why?

Most likely reward commands are not working because of incorrect definition. The command does not require / symbol before it.

If you want to call command from player perspective, you need to add [SELF] before command call, f.e. [SELF] kill will result in player calling /kill command.

It also could be caused by permissions. [gamemode].command.challengeexempt will prevent player to execute commands. Check if player does not have this permission.

How to add placeholders in reward commands?

Currently, addon do not support placeholders in reward commands. If that is necessary, you can request them in gitHub.

Only placeholder that currently is supported in reward commands is [player] which returns player who completed challenge name.

I do not like order of elements in challenge description. Can I change it?

Yes, order of elements are defined in addon locales file.

Challenge Description Level Description

Switching or removing parts of lore will change the order of elemetns displayed in it.

    lore: |-

Each of these parts are generated by tags below, and you can change them too. F.e. [status] part is generated from:

    # Status message for completed unrepeatable challenge
    completed: "&2&l Completed"
    # Status message that contains number of completions for unlimited repeatable challenge
    completed-times: "&2 Completed &7&l [number] &r&2 time(-s)"
    # Status message that contains number of completions from max available for repeatable challenge
    completed-times-of: "&2 Completed &7&l [number] &r&2 out of &7&l [max] &r&2 times"
    # Status message that indicates that max completion count reached for repeatable challenge
    completed-times-reached: "&2&l Completed all &7 [max] &2 times"


Translations for challenges

The translations do not cover the challenges. Each challenge has its own "display name" and "description" which are not localized to keep the configuration process as simple as possible for the end user.
You can however find or provide translations for various challenges on our online Challenges Library on GitHub.

There is also option to translate parts via locales file

We need your help!

A vast majority of strings in BentoBox and its addons can be translated into virtually any language. However, most of the translations that are provided with BentoBox or said addons are made by the community, on which we heavily rely. We cannot review all the content of these translations nor guarantee its quality, hence why we highly appreciate any contributions.

  • If your language is not available for this addon or if you would like to improve the existing translation, please read the translation guidelines and start translating!
  • If your language is not listed below, please contact us on Discord and we will setup everything so that you can start translating!
Available Language Language code Progress
English (United States) en-US 100% (Default)
Chinese, China zh-CN progress
Chinese, Hong Kong zh-HK progress
Chinese, Taiwan zh-TW progress
Croatian hr progress
Czech cs progress
French fr progress
German de progress
Hungarian hu progress
Indonesian id progress
Italian it progress
Japanese ja progress
Korean ko progress
Latvian lv progress
Polish pl progress
Portuguese pt progress
Romanian ro progress
Russian ru progress
Spanish es progress
Turkish tr progress
Vietnamese vi progress
Ukrainian uk progress
Dutch nl progress


Since Challenges 1.0 and BentoBox 1.17 other plugins can access to the Challenges addon data directly. However, addon requests are still a good solution for a plugins that do not want to use too many dependencies.

Maven Dependency#

Challenges provides an API for other plugins. This covers version 1.1.0 and onwards.


Add the Challenges dependency to your Maven POM.xml:



Use the latest Challenges version.

The JavaDocs for Challenges can be found here.


Since BentoBox 1.17 API implemented a feature that solved an issue with classloaders. Plugins that wants to use events directly, now can do it.


Event that is triggered when player completes a challenge.

Event is only informative. Cannot be cancelled.

Link to the class: ChallengeCompletedEvent


  • String challengeId - id of the challenge that was completed.
  • UUID user - id of the player who completed the challenge.
  • Boolean admin - indicates if challenge was completed by admin.
  • Integer completionCount - count of challenge completion.

Code example

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onLevelCompletion(ChallengeCompletedEvent event) {
    UUID user = event.getPlayerUUID();
    String challenge = event.getChallengeID();
    boolean isAdmin = event.isAdmin();
    int count = event.getCompletionCount();


Event that is triggered when player completes a level.

Event is only informative. Cannot be cancelled.

Link to the class: LevelCompletedEvent


  • String levelId - id of the level that was completed.
  • UUID user - id of the player who completed the level.
  • Boolean admin - indicates if level was completed by admin.

Code example

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onLevelCompletion(LevelCompletedEvent event) {
    UUID user = event.getPlayerUUID();
    String levelId = event.getLevelID();
    boolean isAdmin = event.isAdmin();


Event that is triggered when all challenges are reset for player. It includes challenges level data.

Event is only informative. Cannot be cancelled.

Link to the class: ChallengeResetAllEvent


  • String worldName - name of the world where challenges were reset.
  • UUID playerUUID - id of the player who was targeted.
  • Boolean admin - indicates if reset was done by admin.
  • String reason - contains the reason for a reset.

Constant Values

  • reason - is set to "ISLAND_RESET" if done my player or "RESET_ALL" if done by admin.

Code example

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onLevelCompletion(ChallengeResetAllEvent event) {
    UUID user = event.getPlayerUUID();
    String worldName = event.getWorldName();
    boolean isAdmin = event.isAdmin();
    String reason = event.getReason();


Event that is triggered when challenge is reset by admin.

Event is only informative. Cannot be cancelled.

Link to the class: ChallengeResetEvent


  • String challengeID - id of the challenge that was reset.
  • UUID playerUUID - id of the player who was targeted.
  • Boolean admin - indicates if challenge was reset by admin.
  • String reason - contains the reason for a reset.

Constant Values

  • admin - is set to true. Non-admin reset for single challenge is not implemented yet.
  • reason - is set to "RESET".

Code example

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onLevelCompletion(ChallengeResetEvent event) {
    UUID user = event.getPlayerUUID();
    String challengeId = event.getChallengeID();
    boolean isAdmin = event.isAdmin();
    String reason = event.getReason();

Addon Request Handlers#

Till BentoBox 1.17 we had an issue with accessing data outside BentoBox environment doe to the class loader we used to load addons. This meant that data was accessible only from other addons. But BentoBox implemented PlAddon functionality, which means that request handlers are not necessary anymore.

More information about addon request handlers can be found here


Returns a list of all challenges' uniqueIds that are defined in a given world.


  • world-name: String - the name of the world.


The output is a List<String> containing the list of the uniqueIds of the challenges that are defined for the specified world.


This handler will return an empty list if the world-name has not been provided or if the world-name does not exist or is not a gamemode world.

Code example

public List<String> getChallenges(String worldName) {
    return (List<String>) new AddonRequestBuilder()
        .addMetaData("world-name", worldName)


Returns a Map<String, Object> containing all the information about the requested challenge.


  • challenge-name: String - the unique ID of the requested challenge.


The output is a Map<String, Object> with the following keys:

  • uniqueId: String - the unique ID of the requested challenge.
  • name: String - the display name for the challenge.
  • icon: ItemStack - the item that represents the challenge in GUIs.
  • levelId: String - the uniqueId of level for which requested challenge is assinged.
  • order: Integer - the order number for the given challenge.
  • deployed: Boolean - true if the challenge is deployed, false otherwise.
  • description: List<String> - the description for the challenge.
  • type: String - the name of requested challenge type.
  • repeatable: Boolean - true if the challenge is repeatable, false otherwise.
  • maxTimes: Integer - the maximal completion count for requested challenge.


This handler will return an empty map if the challengeId has not been provided or if the challengeId could not be found in the database.

Code example

public Map<String, Object> getChallengeDataMap(String challengeId) {
    return (Map<String, Object>) new AddonRequestBuilder()
        .addMetaData("challenge-name", challengeId)


Returns a list of all levels' uniqueIds that are defined in a given world.


  • world-name: String - the name of the world.


The output is a List<String> containing the list of the uniqueIds of the levels that are defined for the specified world.


This handler will return an empty list if the world-name has not been provided or if the world-name does not exist or is not a gamemode world.

Code example

public List<String> getChallengeLevels(String worldName) {
    return (List<String>) new AddonRequestBuilder()
        .addMetaData("world-name", worldName)


Returns a Map<String, Object> containing all the information about the requested level.


  • level-name: String - the unique ID of the requested level.


The output is a Map<String, Object> with the following keys:

  • uniqueId: String - the unique ID of the requested level.
  • name: String - the display name for the level.
  • icon: ItemStack - the item that represents the level in GUIs.
  • world: String - the world name where level operates.
  • order: Integer - the order number for the given level.
  • message: String - the unlock message for given level.
  • waiveramount: Integer - the number of challenges that can be left uncompleted, before unlocking.
  • challenges: List<String> - the list of assigned challenges' ids.


This handler will return an empty map if the levelId has not been provided or if the levelId could not be found in the database.

Code example

public Map<String, Object> getChallengeLevelData(String levelId) {
    return (Map<String, Object>) new AddonRequestBuilder()
        .addMetaData("level-name", levelId)


Returns a list of completed challenges' uniqueIds that are defined in a given world and completed by given player.


  • player: UUID - the UUID of the player.
  • world-name: String - the name of the world.


The output is a Set<String> containing the set of the uniqueIds of the challenges that are completed by player for the specified world.


This handler will return an empty set if the world-name has not been provided or if the world-name does not exist or is not a gamemode world. This handler will return an empty set if the player has not been provided or if the player does not exist.

Code example

public List<String> getCompletedChallenges(UUID playerUUID, String worldName) {
    return (List<String>) new AddonRequestBuilder()
        .addMetaData("player", playerUUID)
        .addMetaData("world-name", worldName)