
AOneBlock Permissions#

NOTE this list is not complete yet.

Permission Enable For Description
aoneblock.count true Allow use of the aoneblock count command
aoneblock.phases false Allow the use of the phases command
aoneblock.mod.info op Let a moderator see info on a player
aoneblock.mod.clearreset false Allow clearing of island reset limit
aoneblock.mod.bypasscooldowns op Allow moderator to bypass cooldowns
aoneblock.mod.bypassdelays op Allow moderator to bypass delays
aoneblock.mod.bypassprotect op Allow moderator to bypass island protection
aoneblock.mod.bypassexpel op Allow moderator to bypass island expulsion
aoneblock.mod.switch op Allows moderator to toggle bypass protection
aoneblock.mod.lock op Locks or unlocks an island
aoneblock.mod.bypasslock op Bypasses an island lock
aoneblock.mod.bypassban op Bypasses island ban
aoneblock.mod.team false Enables modification of teams via kick and add commands
aoneblock.admin.tp op Allows teleport to an island
aoneblock.admin.clearresetall op Allow clearing of island reset limit of all players
aoneblock.admin.reload op Reload the config.yml
aoneblock.admin.delete op Let a player completely remove a player (including island)
aoneblock.admin.register op Let a player register the nearest island to another player
aoneblock.admin.unregister op Removes a player from an island without deleting the island blocks
aoneblock.admin.setspawn op Allows use of spawn tools
aoneblock.admin.setrange op Allows setting of island protection range
aoneblock.admin.settingsreset op Resets all the islands to default protection settings
aoneblock.admin.noban op Player cannot be banned from an island
aoneblock.admin.noexpel op Player cannot be expelled from an island
aoneblock.admin.setlanguage op Resets all player languages and sets the default language
aoneblock.admin.getrank op Get a player's rank
aoneblock.admin.setrank op Set a player's rank
aoneblock.admin.setchest op Puts the looked-at chest into a phase with a given rarity
aoneblock.count true Allow use of the aoneblock count command
aoneblock.island true Allow island command usage
aoneblock.island.create true Allow island creation
aoneblock.island.home true Allow teleporting to player island
aoneblock.island.sethome true Let the player use the sethome command
aoneblock.island.info true Let the player use the info command
aoneblock.island.lock true Allows island locking
aoneblock.island.near true description: Players can see nearby island names
aoneblock.island.expel true Allows expelling of visitors
aoneblock.island.ban true Allows banning of visitors
aoneblock.island.settings true Player can see server settings
aoneblock.island.language true Player can select a language
aoneblock.island.name true Player can set the name of their island
aoneblock.island.spawn true Player can use the island spawn command if spawn exists
aoneblock.island.reset true Player can use the island reset or restart command
aoneblock.island.team true Let a player use team command
aoneblock.island.team.setowner true Let a player change the team owner
aoneblock.island.team.invite true Let a player invite others
aoneblock.island.team.reject true Let a player reject invites
aoneblock.island.team.leave true Let a player leave the team
aoneblock.island.team.kick true Let a player kick team members
aoneblock.island.team.accept true Let a player accept invitations
aoneblock.island.team.trust true Let a player use team trust commands
aoneblock.island.team.coop true Let a player use team coop commands
aoneblock.island.team.promote true Let a player use promote commands
aoneblock.settings.* true Allow use of settings on island

最后更新: 2023年6月26日 14:23:28