AcidIsland Admin Commands

Command Description Permission
/acid admin command acidisland.island
/acid add add player to owner's team acidisland.mod.register
/acid challenges Access challenge admin commands acidisland.admin.challenges
/acid deaths edits deaths of players
/acid deaths reset resets deaths of the player
/acid deaths set sets deaths of the player
/acid delete deletes a player's island acidisland.admin.delete
/acid disband disband owner's team
/acid getrank get a player's rank on their island
/acid info get info on where you are or player's island
/acid kick kick a player from a team acidisland.island.expel
/acid range AcidIsland range commands
/acid range display Show/hide island range indicators
/acid range reset Resets the island protected range to the world default
/acid range set Sets the island protected range
/acid register register player to unowned island you are on acidisland.admin.register
/acid reload reload the plugin acidisland.admin.reload
/acid reset commands.admin.resets.reset.description acidisland.mod.resethome
/acid blueprint manipulate blueprints
/acid blueprint copy [air] copy the clipboard set by pos1 and pos2 and optionally the air blocks
/acid blueprint load load blueprint into the clipboard
/acid blueprint origin set the blueprint's origin to your position
/acid blueprint paste paste the clipboard to your location
/acid blueprint pos1 set 1st corner of cuboid clipboard
/acid blueprint pos2 set 2nd corner of cuboid clipboard
/acid blueprint save save the copied clipboard
/acid setrank set a player's rank on their island
/acid tp teleport to a player's island
/acid tpnether teleport to a player's nether island
/acid tpend teleport to a player's the_end island
/acid unregister unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks acidisland.admin.unregister
/acid version display BentoBox and addons versions
/acid why Toggle on/off debugging for why something isn't working

AcidIsland Player Commands

Command Description Permission
/ai Teleports player to their AcidIsland acidisland.island
/ai about About this addon acidisland.island
/ai ban ban a player from your island acidisland.island.ban
/ai banlist list banned players acidisland.island.ban
/ai coop make a player coop rank on your island
/ai create create an island acidisland.island.create
/ai go teleport to your island acidisland.island.home
/ai info [player] Calculate your island level or shows level of [player]
/ai language select language acidisland.island.language
/ai reset restart your island and remove the old one acidisland.island.reset
/ai resetname resets your island name acidisland.mod.resetname
/ai sethome set your home teleport point acidisland.island.home
/ai setname set a name for your island
/ai settings Displays AcidIsland Settings Menu acidisland.island.settings
/ai team Displays Team Commands
/ai team accept accept an invitation
/ai team coop make a player coop rank on your island
/ai team demote demote a player on your island down a rank
/ai team invite invite a player to join your island
/ai team kick remove a member from your island acidisland.island.expel
/ai team leave leave your island
/ai team promote promote a player on your island up a rank
/ai team reject reject an invitation
/ai team setowner transfer your island ownership to a member acidisland.admin.register
/ai team trust give a player trusted rank on your island
/ai team uncoop remove a coop rank from player
/ai team untrust remove trusted player rank from player
/ai trust give a player trusted rank on your island
/ai unban unban a player from your island acidisland.island.ban
/ai untrust remove trusted player rank from player
/ai warp warp to the player's warp sign acidisland.island.home
/ai warps open the warps panel acidisland.island.home