
All the commands are the same as other game modes, like BSkyBlock.

Boxed Admin Commands (Alias: /boxadmin)

Command Description Permission
/boxadmin displays all Boxed Commands boxed.island
/boxadmin add add player to owner's team
/boxadmin biomes Main biome addon admin command. Opens Admin GUI for players
/boxadmin challenges Access /boxadmin challenges admin commands boxed.admin.challenges
/boxadmin deaths edit deaths of players
/boxadmin delete deletes a player's island boxed.admin.delete
/boxadmin disband disband owner's team boxed.mod.bypassprotect
/boxadmin getrank get a player's rank on their island
/boxadmin info get info on where you are or player's island
/boxadmin kick kick a player from a team boxed.mod.bypassexpel
/boxadmin level calculate the island level for player
/boxadmin range Admin island range command
/boxadmin register register player to unowned island you are on boxed.admin.register
/boxadmin reload reload the plugin boxed.admin.relaod
/boxadmin reset commands.admin.resets.reset.description boxed.admin.settingsreset
/boxadmin bp manipulate blueprints
/boxadmin bp copy [air] copy the clipboard set by pos1 and pos2 and optionally the air blocks
/boxadmin bp load load bp into the clipboard
/boxadmin bp origin set the bp's origin to your position
/boxadmin bp paste paste the clipboard to your location
/boxadmin bp pos1 set 1st corner of cuboid clipboard
/boxadmin bp pos2 set 2nd corner of cuboid clipboard
/boxadmin bp save save the copied clipboard
/boxadmin setowner transfers island ownership to the player boxed.admin.register
/boxadmin setrank set a player's rank on their island
/boxadmin setspawn commands.admin.setspawn.description boxed.admin.setspawn
/boxadmin top show the top ten list
/boxadmin tp teleport to a player's island
/boxadmin tpend teleport to a player's island
/boxadmin tpnether teleport to a player's island
/boxadmin unregister unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks boxed.admin.unregister
/boxadmin why toggle console protection debug reporting

Boxed Island Player Commands (Alias: /box or /boxed)

Command Description Permission
/box The main player command boxed.island
/box ban ban a player from your island boxed.island.ban
/box banlist list banned players boxed.island.ban
/box biomes Main biome addon command that opens biome change GUI
/box challenges [Level] Let the player use /box challenges command boxed.challenges
/box create create an island boxed.island.create
/box go teleport you to your island boxed.island
/box info display info about your island or the player's island
/box language select language boxed.island.language
/box level [player] calculate your island level or show the level of [player]
/box reset restart your island and remove the old one boxed.island.reset
/box sethome set your home teleport point boxed.island.sethome
/box setname set a name for your island
/box settings display island settings boxed.island.settings
/box spawn teleport you to the spawn boxed.island.home
/box resetname reset your island name boxed.mod.resetname
/box unban unban a player from your island boxed.island.ban
/box team manage your team
/box team accept accept an invitation
/box team coop make a player coop rank on your island
/box team demote demote a player on your island down a rank
/box team leave leave your island
/box team invite invite a player to join your island
/box team kick remove a member from your island boxed.island.expel
/box team promote promote a player on your island up a rank
/box team reject reject an invitation
/box team setowner transfer your island ownership to a member
/box team trust give a player trusted rank on your island
/box top show the Top Ten
/box team uncoop remove a coop rank from player
/box team untrust remove trusted player rank from player
/box warp warp to the player's warp sign
/box warps open the warps panel

Island Settings (/box settings)

The unique setting for Boxed is to determine who can move the box by throwing ender pearls. The default is just the owner. The icon is composter.