Boxed Permissions#
All permissions are the same as other game modes, like BSkyBlock
Permission | Enable For | Description |
boxed.admin.clearresetall | op | Allow clearing of island reset limit of all players |
boxed.admin.delete | op | Let a player completely remove a player (including island) |
boxed.admin.deleteisland | op | Let a player completely remove the island the player is on |
boxed.admin.noban | op | Player cannot be banned from an island |
boxed.admin.purge | op | Let a player purge old islands |
boxed.admin.register | op | Let a player register the nearest island to another player |
boxed.admin.reload | op | Reload the config.yml |
boxed.admin.reserve | op | Reserves an empty spot for a player's next island |
boxed.admin.setlanguage | op | Resets all player languages and sets the default language |
boxed.admin.setrange | op | Allows setting of island protection range |
boxed.admin.setspawn | op | Allows use of spawn tools |
boxed.admin.settingsreset | op | Resets all the islands to default protection settings | | op | Allows teleport to an island |
boxed.admin.unregister | op | Removes a player from an island without deleting the island blocks |
boxed.mod.bypasscooldowns | op | Allow moderator to bypass cooldowns |
boxed.mod.bypassdelays | op | Allow moderator to bypass delays |
boxed.mod.bypassexpel | op | Allow moderator to bypass island expulsion |
boxed.mod.bypasslock | op | Bypasses an island lock |
boxed.mod.bypassprotect | op | Allow moderator to bypass island protection |
boxed.mod.clearreset | false | Allow clearing of island reset limit | | op | Let a moderator see info on a player and island |
boxed.mod.lock | op | Locks or unlocks an island |
boxed.mod.resethome | op | Allows setting or reseting of a player's home position | | false | Enables naming of player's islands |
boxed.mod.resetname | false | Enables reset of player's island names | | false | Enables modification of teams via kick and add commands | | op | Allows teleport to an island |
boxed.island | true | Allow island command usage |
boxed.island.ban | true | Allows banning of visitors |
boxed.island.create | true | Allow island creation |
boxed.island.expel | true | Allows expelling of visitors |
boxed.island.home | true | Allow teleporting to player island | | true | Let the player use the island info command |
boxed.island.language | true | Player can select a language |
boxed.island.lock | false | Allows island locking | | true | Player can set the name of their island |
boxed.island.number | false | x sets how many islands the player can make. |
boxed.island.reset | true | Player can use the island reset or restart command |
boxed.island.sethome | true | Let the player use the sethome command |
boxed.island.settings | true | Player can see server settings |
boxed.island.spawn | true | Player can use the island spawn command if spawn exists |* | true | Let a player use all team commands (Recommended) | | true | Let a player use team command | | true | Let a player invite others | | true | Player can accept team invites | | true | Player can reject team invites | | true | Let a player coop other players | | true | Let a player trust other players | | true | Let a player promote others | | true | Let a player kick another player from their team | | true | Let a player leave a team | | true | Let a player set another player as owner of island |
boxed.settings.* | true | Allow use of settings on island. Negating this permission or setting to false, would also block all /box command and /box subcommand. |[NUMBER] | false | Let a player to get larger team size than default value. |
boxed.island.maxhomes.[NUMBER] | false | Let a player to get more homes than default value. |
boxed.island.range.[NUMBER] | false | Let a player to get larger protection range than default value. Not recommended for Boxed! |