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CaveBlock Permissions#

Permission Enable For Description
caveblock.admin.clearresetall op Allow clearing of cave reset limit of all players
caveblock.admin.delete op Let a player completely remove a player (including cave)
caveblock.admin.deleteisland op Let a player completely remove the cave the player is on
caveblock.admin.noban op Player cannot be banned from an cave
caveblock.admin.purge op Let a player purge old caves
caveblock.admin.register op Let a player register the nearest cave to another player
caveblock.admin.reload op Reload the config.yml
caveblock.admin.reserve op Reserves an empty spot for a player's next cave
caveblock.admin.setlanguage op Resets all player languages and sets the default language
caveblock.admin.setspawn op Allows use of spawn tools
caveblock.admin.setrange op Allows setting of cave protection range
caveblock.admin.settingsreset op Resets all the caves to default protection settings
caveblock.admin.unregister op Removes a player from an cave without deleting the cave blocks
caveblock.mod.bypasscooldowns op Allow moderator to bypass cooldowns
caveblock.mod.bypassexpel op Allow moderator to bypass cave expulsion
caveblock.mod.bypasslock op Bypasses an cave lock
caveblock.mod.bypassprotect op Allow moderator to bypass cave protection
caveblock.mod.clearreset false Allow clearing of cave reset limit op Let a moderator see info on a player
caveblock.mod.lock op Locks or unlocks an cave false Enables naming of player's caves
caveblock.mod.resethome op Allows setting or reseting of a player's home position
caveblock.mod.resetname false Enables reset of player's cave names false Enables modification of teams via kick and add commands op Allows teleport to an cave
caveblock.skywalker op Allows player to walk over the heigh limit
caveblock.island true Allow /cave command usage
caveblock.island.ban true Allows banning of visitors
caveblock.island.create true Allow cave creation
caveblock.island.expel true Allows expelling of visitors
caveblock.island.home true Allow teleporting to player cave true Let the player use the island info command
caveblock.island.language true Player can select a language
caveblock.island.lock false Allows cave locking true Player can set the name of their cave
caveblock.island.number false x sets how many islands the player can make.
caveblock.island.reset true Player can use the cave reset or restart command
caveblock.island.sethome true Let the player set their cave teleport point
caveblock.island.settings true Player can see server settings
caveblock.island.spawn true Player can use the cave spawn command if spawn exists true Let a player use team commands true Let a player use team coop commands true Let a player use team trust commands
caveblock.settings.* true Allow use of settings on cave[NUMBER] false Let a player to get larger team size than default value.
caveblock.island.maxhomes.[NUMBER] false Let a player to get more homes than default value.
caveblock.island.range.[NUMBER] false Let a player to get larger protection range than default value.