Translate BentoBox and addons
Available locales#
We need your help!
A vast majority of strings in BentoBox and its addons can be translated into virtually any language. However, most of the translations that are provided with BentoBox or said addons are made by the community, on which we heavily rely. We cannot review all the content of these translations nor guarantee its quality, hence why we highly appreciate any contributions.
- If your language is not available for this addon or if you would like to improve the existing translation, please read the translation guidelines and start translating!
- If your language is not listed below, please contact us on Discord and we will setup everything so that you can start translating!
Available | Language | Language code | Progress |
✅ | English (United States) | en-US | 100% (Default) |
✅ | Chinese, China | zh-CN | |
✅ | Chinese, Hong Kong | zh-HK | |
✅ | Chinese, Taiwan | zh-TW | |
✅ | Croatian | hr | |
✅ | Czech | cs | |
✅ | French | fr | |
✅ | German | de | |
✅ | Hungarian | hu | |
✅ | Indonesian | id | |
✅ | Italian | it | |
✅ | Japanese | ja | |
✅ | Korean | ko | |
✅ | Latvian | lv | |
✅ | Polish | pl | |
✅ | Portuguese | pt | |
✅ | Romanian | ro | |
✅ | Russian | ru | |
✅ | Spanish | es | |
✅ | Turkish | tr | |
✅ | Vietnamese | vi | |
✅ | Ukrainian | uk | |
✅ | Dutch | nl |
- Please use GitLocalize for the translations and when you think you are done, alert us on Discord. Translators get a special badge!
- Do not translate text inside square brackets because those are placeholders, e.g. [name] should remain in English
- Test your translations - try to check everything you can before submitting it
- Do not include any advertising, swear words, or derogatory comments in the translations. We do check them before accepting the PR.
- Feel free to ask questions on Discord about translations.