
BentoBox TemplatedPanel Documentation#

The BentoBox TemplatedPanel is a powerful tool for Minecraft developers, enabling the creation of customizable inventory-based user interfaces (UIs) with ease. By defining panel layouts in YAML, developers can quickly adjust UI elements without needing to alter the codebase extensively. Here's a detailed breakdown of how to configure a TemplatedPanel using YAML.

Panel Definition#

Panel Identification#

  • detail_panel: Define the unique name for the panel for reference in the code.

Panel Title#

  • title: Set the display title of the panel. This title can be localized through a reference in the locale file.

Panel Type#

  • type: Choose the type of inventory to display. Options include INVENTORY, HOPPER, and DROPPER.

Background and Border#

  • background: Customize the background of the panel using Minecraft items. For example, BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE can be used for aesthetic effect.
  • border: Define the appearance of the panel's border, again using Minecraft items. This helps to contrast the panel items.

Display Configuration#

  • force-shown: Specify which rows in the panel are to be displayed, affecting the panel's vertical size.

Content Configuration#

Button Layout and Functionality#

  • content: Within this section, detail each item or button in the panel. Use row and column numbers to position each element.
  • icon: Set the Minecraft item to be used as the button icon.
  • title: Provide a title for the button, which can be localized.
  • description: Add a description for the button, also localizable.
  • data: Include data relevant to the button's function, such as the type of action it triggers.
  • actions: Define the actions that occur when the button is interacted with, specifying the type of click and any tooltips.

Reusable Buttons#

  • reusable: Define templates for buttons that are used multiple times within the panel.
  • Within this section, specify details like the button's icon, title, description, and associated data.

Example Button Configuration#

  • For a button at row 1, column 2:

        icon: STONE
        title: level.gui.buttons.all_blocks.name
        description: level.gui.buttons.all_blocks.description
          type: TAB
          tab: ALL_BLOCKS
            click-type: unknown
            tooltip: level.gui.tips.click-to-view

  • For a reusable button named material_button:

        title: level.gui.buttons.material.name
        description: level.gui.buttons.material.description
          type: BLOCK

This TemplatedPanel system offers BentoBox developers a streamlined and flexible way to design and implement interactive UI elements in the game, enhancing user engagement and functionality.

TemplatedPanelBuilder Documentation#

The TemplatedPanelBuilder class is part of the BentoBox API, designed to facilitate the creation of TemplatedPanel objects. It provides a fluent interface for constructing panels with various customization options, such as templates, user context, world context, and listeners. Here's an overview of its functionality and usage.

Class Overview#

TemplatedPanelBuilder is used for building instances of TemplatedPanel. It allows for setting various parameters and configurations necessary for the panel's operation within the Minecraft world, specifically within the BentoBox framework.


Template Methods#

  • template(String guiName, File dataFolder): Sets the template for the panel based on the GUI name and the data folder. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.
  • template(String panelName, String templateName, File dataFolder): Sets the template for the panel based on the panel name, template name, and the data folder. Introduced in version 1.20.0. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.

User Method#

  • user(User user): Sets the user for whom the panel is being built. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.

World Method#

  • world(World world): Sets the world context for the panel. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.

Parameters Method#

  • parameters(@NonNull String... parameters): Sets the parameters for the panel title. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining. Available from version 1.20.0.
  • Example: panelBuilder.parameters("[name]", this.user.getName()); places the user's name into the title of the panel

Listener Method#

  • listener(PanelListener listener): Adds a PanelListener to the panel for handling user interactions. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.
  • Listeners are not required as functionality for moving to another tab, or reacting to a click is handled within the API.
  • You may only need a Listener if you need some custom functionality.

Type Builder Registration#

  • registerTypeBuilder(String type, BiFunction<ItemTemplateRecord, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot, PanelItem> buttonCreator): Registers a new button type builder for the panel. Returns the TemplatedPanelBuilder instance for chaining.
  • Example:
            panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("NEXT", this::createNextButton);
            panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("PREVIOUS", this::createPreviousButton);
            panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("BLOCK", this::createMaterialButton);
  • When the button with the associated name is clicked, the appropriate method will be called. It is passed the ItemTemplateRecord, the ItemSlot, and the PanelItem.

Build Method#

  • build(): Constructs and returns a TemplatedPanel instance based on the provided configuration.


  • getPanelTemplate(): Retrieves the current PanelTemplateRecord.
  • getUser(): Gets the User object associated with the panel.
  • getWorld(): Returns the World context for the panel.
  • getParameters(): Retrieves the list of parameters set for the panel title.
  • getListener(): Returns the PanelListener attached to the panel.
  • getObjectCreatorMap(): Provides access to the map linking objects with their panel item creators.


  • panelTemplate: Stores the GUI template record.
  • user: Holds the reference to the user who opens the GUI.
  • world: Represents the world where the GUI operates.
  • listener: Stores the PanelListener for handling GUI interactions.
  • parameters: A list to store parameters for the title object.
  • objectCreatorMap: A map linking object types to their respective panel item creators.


To use the TemplatedPanelBuilder, instantiate it and chain its methods to configure the panel as required. Once all configurations are set, call the build() method to create a TemplatedPanel instance.


        // Start building panel.
        TemplatedPanelBuilder panelBuilder = new TemplatedPanelBuilder();

        panelBuilder.template("detail_panel", new File(this.addon.getDataFolder(), "panels"));

        panelBuilder.parameters("[name]", this.user.getName());

        panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("NEXT", this::createNextButton);
        panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("PREVIOUS", this::createPreviousButton);
        panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("BLOCK", this::createMaterialButton);

        panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("FILTER", this::createFilterButton);

        // Register tabs
        panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("TAB", this::createTabButton);

        // Register unknown type builder.